How to Build a Better Talent Brand

September 26, 2023

Talent Solutions Marketing Specialist

Written By:

Kimberly Bauer | Talent Solutions Marketing Specialist


Benefits of a Strong Talent Brand

Job seekers need more information than ever before. In fact, 75% of the time, candidates will research a company’s reputation before applying for a job. However, it doesn’t stop there. To attract top talent, you must engage candidates at every touchpoint.

Organizations that are actively interacting with candidates through their brand and living that brand out internally, will be much more successful at attracting and retaining top talent.  

 A strong employer brand will reduce your turnover by 28% and cost-per-hire by 50%.

Assessing Your Talent Brand

To develop a talent brand strategy, an employer must first understand their current state. What does your brand communicate to candidates? DISHER Talent Solutions has developed a talent brand audit to help you discover how you are perceived in the market.

Our audit will give you an overall brand score. We identify the strengths and weaknesses of your brand in four categories. These four key indicators predict how a candidate responds to your brand.

After completing the audit, DISHER Talent Solutions will analyze the results. Then we develop ideas on how you to improve. Recommendations are provided for you to implement on your own. And we make recommendations that DISHER consultants can support.

Exports of PDF of the Talent Brand Audit

Our talent brand audit includes a comprehensive look into these four areas:

  • Company Website: The website communicates a lot about your company. Not only the words used, but the images, the design, and the feeling it gives candidates. Even if your website’s main purpose is to attract sales, you also want it to attract candidates! Make sure your website gives candidates the information they want and need. Is your company culture communicated well? Can they tell what a day at your company might look like? Is the content presented in an engaging way with photos and video?
  • Job Postings: A posting gives candidates a peek into your company and the open role. Often, third-party sites don’t provide extra information about your company. Postings should provide information about your work environment, culture, and the role. Also, remember this is a posting not a full job description. Be brief, organized, and engaging. Provide clear next steps.
  • Social Media: This is one of the first things people think of when it comes to employer brand and for good reason. It is an important tool that showcases your company to candidates. Social media can highlight employee testimonials, day-in-the-life stories, and what makes your company unique. This goes a long way with candidates.
  • Public Image: Public sources include third-party job boards, third-party review sites (Glassdoor, Indeed, and Google), and news publications. Public image can be challenging because you may not always have control. Ensure content that communicates your employer brand is available on 3rd party sites. Respond to feedback in a timely way. This is a great way to leave a good impression on candidates.

After your audit is complete, we tailor recommendations to help strengthen your brand. We provide recommendations your team can start working on right now. We also highlight some bigger areas that we can help with.

Two recruiters sit with a customer discussing their talent brand

How Disher Can Help

DISHER Talent Solutions understands the challenges of recruiting top talent. Creating a compelling employer brand is hard work. Our team of experts can support your efforts in the following ways.

  • Conducting a comprehensive talent brand audit and competitor analysis to identify your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Crafting a custom strategy to enhance your candidate experience and employer brand.
  • Helping you optimize your website, job postings, and social media presence.
  • Implementing tools and technologies to streamline the application process and communication with candidates.

A talent brand audit is a powerful tool. You can discover how your brand looks and feels with candidates. By optimizing your candidate experience, you can attract top talent and build a stronger brand. This will reduce turnover and hiring costs.

Let us know how DISHER Talent Solutions can support your talent brand transformation. We will help you stand out as an employer of choice.

Contact DISHER Talent Solutions today to ask for a Talent Brand Audit. We can’t wait to help you build a stronger talent brand that attracts and keeps the best employees.

Talent Brand Audit

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